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Jamie Clark, LCSW, BACS

     "The Adventures of Cosmos Crow" is a fable based program that is geared to teach all ages about our irrational thinking and developing Coping Skills. These Adventure Fables are a collection of FUN materials that will teach you how to change the irrational thinking (Stinky Thinking) that causes problems at home, school and throughout your life, to rational thinking (Good Thinking). This program has been used with students in a school setting as well as with children and adults in private practice counseling. To find out more about "The Adventures of Cosmos Crow" visit 

Try Out One Of Our Fables:

If you want to try one of the fables and see just how fun and helpful they can be, then come take a Test Drive of our stories.  We have selected two of our Flipbook Fables for you to TEST DRIVE HERE.

Cosmos Crow Resources:

Emotional Signal Light

Parent's Poem